Health & Wellness Program
Weight & Sleep Management
Healthy Eating Habits
Active Lifestyle
Physical, Emotional & Mental Wellbeing
Delivered to corporates, educational institutes, households, and general public coming from all walks of life, the Health & Wellness Coaching Program is a unique comprehensive program that walks participants on a self-learning journey with respect to the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle enabling them to live at their highest physical, emotional & mental potential.
Let’s start with few questions:
You want to be healthier & feel better in your own skin, yet you aren't sure where to start?
Are you struggling with weight management, chronic disease and sustainable healthy lifestyle?
Are you an emotional eater and struggling to break that pattern?
Do you want a healthy lifestyle, yet you are stuck with emotional & mental blocks, are after quick fixes and end up frustrated?
Are you looking for knowledge, tools and skills to create a healthy lifestyle?
The solution is embarking on the Health & Wellness Coaching Program where I honor you as the expert in your life, and believe you are creative, resourceful and whole. The Program is a blend of training & coaching approaches. A rounded training approach since it provides you with knowledge, tools and skills to improve your sleep pattern, manage your weight, measure your fitness level, and design your workout plan among others. A coaching approach since it takes you on a journey of self-discovery & self-awareness to dismantle what is standing in your way to effect a sustainable change in your health & wellbeing.
The Program is life transforming; not only your body will rip the benefits of a healthy lifestyle; it will also have a tremendous constructive spill-over effect on your mental & emotional wellbeing. You will come to your own realization about what will work for you, set your own goals, create your action plan, and hold yourself accountable towards achieving your goals. The gradual changes accumulate to create new habits woven into the fabric of your life. There is no better reward than being in charge of your life.
The physical, emotional and mental health & wellness of your stakeholders - staff, students, family members - is a top priority!
If you're ready for change, let’s roll out the program.

“If it does not challenge you, it will not change you.”
Fred DeVito